We were fortunate enough the breed the GRAND CHAMPION BARROW at Houston in 2017, exhibited by Allie James of Stratford, Texas. As part of our Customer Care program, we worked very closely with the James Family throughout the year with feeding and management advice. Allie would send videos periodically for Josh to view to make feed changes. She kept a very detailed record of her barrow's feeding program and all of the videos that she sent Josh. We thought it would be neat to give an inside look at the feeding program of this champion! Click the link below to view the entire program for Allie's barrow, Bad Mama Jamma!
Regardless of how hard your work, it's all still gotta come together AT THE SHOW to Win!
We realize the stress of how to best prepare at the show or if you have questions about what to do when it comes to feeding, a routine, the right weight to turn in, and on and on with no one there to answer. With this, we offer our customers TWO successful ways to get customized help from us at the show. Pick whichever option that best suits you and your family, the better we can help you, then better it is for ALL OF US TO BE SUCCESSFUL!
Option A: Go With our group!
Many of our customers choose to haul to major barrow shows together with us in a TEAM setting. (Please call Josh for more details.)
Option B: Personal advise at the show!
If your not interested in hauling in directly with us, that's no problem. We can still give you the assistance and advice you need to be successful. Topics such as those below are all things we can provide you information on and are designed with the specific needs of your pig(s).
-List of products/supplies needed for the show & how to use
-Customized feeding schedule at the show
-Advice on the best weight to turn in for your pig
-General daily schedule:
-best time to wash
-how many times to weigh per day and when
-other daily practices that we suggest at the show
-Help get pig appropriately filled and presented for the ring
We believe that to be successful in the show ring there is a winning combination of:
There were many people that helped each of us when we were starting with our junior livestock show projects and we know without a doubt that we would not have had the success that we have had thus far without their help along the way. This is the same type of guidance and direction that we like to offer our customers throughout every stage with their show pig project.
If you would like, we will be more than happy to help you and your family select a show pig at our farm that fits the goals and budget that you have in mind for the show(s) that you will be attending.
-Customized feeding plan:
When you take your pig home, we can help you get a customized feeding plan to follow. We are available to help throughout the feeding period to make adjustments as your pig matures. We can come see your pigs in person or you can send videos and pictures by text or email for us to evaluate and send back feeding suggestions.
-Show day preparation:
NEW for 2016...BROCKMAN FARMS: Customer Care - AT THE SHOW! (See details above!)
We strive to help every customer we have at any level of show that they desire to be competitive at, whether its a major show, county fair, or jackpot. We will give you our best advice on products needed for the show, daily schedules and routines at the show, a customized feeding plan, and the best ways to prepare your pig for show day!
This step is CRUCIAL! All of the work that we have all done can be lost if your pig is not shown the best that it can be. We work with exhibitors will all different skill sets and experience levels. We help experienced exhibitors to fine tune and will work with first year exhibitors on the fundamentals and basics of showmanship.
We wholeheartedly believe in and have a great passion for the junior livestock show program. We want all kids to have the best experience that they can have showing pigs. If you have any questions or would like to visit with us to plan for this next year's show season, please feel free to contact us by phone, text or email!