We are excited to offer semen on these sires that are backed by some of the most successful breeding programs in the country. Collection days are Monday and Thursday. You can order semen by calling, texting or emailing Josh or Carrie.
Contract pricing available. Please contact Josh or Carrie for details.
-Semen available for overrun starts at 10:00 am CST on collection days (M/Th).
-Orders can be placed until 4pm on collection days (M/Th).
Orders must be cancelled by 10:00 am CST on collection days (M/Th) to avoid being charged full price
Wide Awake x Buckle Up x Snafu x No Mas x
Bred by & Owned with: Blount Farms
To start with, a special thanks to Blount Farms for offering the pick of this litter in the TPPA auction, where we purchased what would eventually be the pick of “Stud Monkey”, and for partnering back up with us to own him together! This is one incredible boar, backed by an incredible pedigree, and from an incredible firm! To keep things pretty simple, he is one of the best animals we’ve had the opportunity to have here, period.
Stud Monkey’s pedigree success:
*Grand Barrow Fort Worth 2024 (Littermate brother to Stud Monkey’s mother).
*Reserve Grand Barrow Houston 2023 (His mom is a littermate to Stud Monkey’s Grandmother).
*Champion Heavy Division Cross Barrow Houston 2022 (Littermate brother to Stud Monkey’s Grandmother.)
*Grand Barrow Alternative 2020. (Littermate brother to Stud Monkey’s Great Grandmother.)
Stud Monkey has an unreal presence from the side, the combination of bone, feature, and density he has from his shoulder back with a neat head, neck, and jawline upfront is extremely impressive. His shape and maturity is a great combination of one that was ready enough early, but always has and continues to look and feed into an even better mature one than was a baby pig. My favorite thing about him is the length to his hip is very good, and he uniquely is high and wide pinned, and still has the right bend and use to a very large, square, and hairy rear leg, with a big rear foot that is relaxed, comfortable, square and even. There is as much upside to Stud Monkey as you could ask for. Sometimes you find that special one that just looks “studly” and we feel like that represents “Stud Monkey” very well!
We are now booking semen on Stud Money for the Spring of 2025. Semen will be available beginning February 3rd
Wide Awake x Buckle Up x Snafu x No Mas x
Bred by: Blount Farms
Littermate to Stud Monkey.
Stud Monkey and Fear Not's pedigree success:
*Grand Barrow Fort Worth 2024 (Littermate brother to their mother).
*Reserve Grand Barrow Houston 2023 (His mom is a littermate to their Grandmother).
*Champion Heavy Division Cross Barrow Houston 2022 (Littermate brother to their Grandmother.)
*Grand Barrow Alternative 2020. (Littermate brother to their Great Grandmother.)
We are now booking semen on Fear Not for the Spring of 2025. Semen will be available beginning February 3rd
Bred by: Us
SET APART can do just that, he’s such a great combination, of width, chub, and power in an attractive build from the side! Last spring we were fortunate to feed just handful of Buckle Ups from a few different firms and I was very pleased with each of them and after seeing them and some others along the way, I felt I’d found something interesting. When you find a boar that has the ability to generate the things your looking for, I felt like I needed to take the time to learn how and where to use him and then do it. With that being said, we used Buckle Up as hard as any outside boar has been used here in a while, and these three sons are a representation of what we were trying to create. Exotic, hairy, attractive livestock, that can still use both ends of their skeleton like champion show barrows. The bottom side of SA’s pedigree only adds to his value. The Dirty Secret sow is the mother of Shackelford’s Reserve Grand Barrow in San Antonio 2021, and the Step One sow behind her is Building Speed’s mom!
SA is stout skulled and comes at you big and square in his chest, knee, and front foot. He’s got a big blade and arm shape, and is very broad in his body shape, bold in his upper rib and hard in his back shape up high. Another focus for us that makes Set Apart neat, is his ability to reach upfront, and use his rear leg comfortably.
Buckle Up x Snafu x Kingpin x Step One
Bred by: Us
MADE ALIVE comes from one of the deepest and best litters we had in 2024!!! Last spring we were fortunate to feed just a handful of Buckle Ups from a few different firms and I was very pleased with each of them and after seeing them and some others along the way, I felt I’d found something interesting. When you find a boar that has the ability to generate the things your looking for, I felt like I needed to take the time to learn how and where to use him and then do it. With that being said, we used Buckle Up as hard as any outside boar has been used here in a while, and these three sons are a representation of what we were trying to create. Exotic, hairy, attractive livestock, that can still use both ends of their skeleton like champion show barrows. Made Alive’s mother was the Reserve Hvy Div Hamp gilt at LSU in 2023, and the 11-33 Step One sow is the grandmother to the Grand Barrow San Antonio 2021, Grand Barrow in Austin 2022, My Intention, Unashamed, and so many other important pieces to our program.
MADE ALIVE is one dense critter! He’s the most moderate of the Buckle Up sons we retained this time, with a very easy fleshing body shape and chub. I love the shape to his arm and blade and his looseness out of his shoulder and hock both are equally very good. The unqiue thing to me about, MADE ALIVE is he’s one you can use those bigger, plainer sows that need to be denser and stouter from a width and muscle standpoint, but also should help in looseness and athleticism! Coming from a deep litter, I feel like Made Alive can be used with confidence in generating quality stock!
Buckle Up x My Intention x Kingpin x Dirty
Bred by: Us
STRONGHOLD is heavy, heavy duty, a hair bigger in kind, hairy! Last spring we were fortunate to feed just handful of Buckle Ups from a few different firms and I was very pleased with each of them and after seeing them and some others along the way, I felt I’d found something interesting. When you find a boar that has the ability to generate the things your looking for, I felt like I needed to take the time to learn how and where to use him and then do it. With that being said, we used Buckle Up as hard as any outside boar has been used here in a while, and these three sons are a representation of what we were trying to create. Exotic, hairy, attractive livestock, that can still use both ends of their skeleton like champion show barrows. SH’s pedigree combines a lot of these mixture that has seemed to equal success when it shows up on the bottom side of the pedigree. My Intention daughter’s have proven to pass on their uniqueness, and tying that with the Kingpin x Dirty stuff really proves to creates very heavy duty animals with an appropriate blend of functional and exotic traits.
STRONGHOLD is a little bigger than most today, in a good way i think. His height of shoulder is good, while still giving cushion to his front foot, knee, and shoulder angle. He’s an attractive boar from the side and really neat upfront as far as his head and jawline. He has a very hairy dense rear leg that’s square behind. I think you can use Stronghold on those moderate, heavy muscled sows that need to be heavier duty and a little bigger in kind!
Let The Beat Build x WAM (Mate to CH York & Bronze Overall OYE '23) Try Harder x No Mas (Mate to Gd Alternative '20)
Bred by: Blount Farms, Owned with Pichotta Livestock
When we started getting the info of who was bringing what for our Fall Farm Sale this September, I continued to hear from Glen and a few different folks about this litter of white pigs at Blount’s place, and how he had told everyone the plan was for them to come to the sale. Long story short, they did, I liked them a bunch, and about sale time made the call we needed to try and own him, and $26,000 dollars later we and our friends the Pichottas had one of the most exciting additions to our white program since the beginning.
OTL is a very intriguing critter of any color, but particularly for a white up eared one. He’s got big and very strong front feet and every part of his skeleton reads heavy duty, burly, and manly. He’s built like a winner from the side, moves good, and does still with a hard back shape up high, and for those that care, he’s always been a very hairy animal!
OTL reigns from a very prestigious pedigree of winners. His mother is a littermate to the Champion York and Bronze Overall barrow at OYE 2023, and great grandmother is a littermate to Kaden’s Grand Barrow The Alternative 2020 that started what’s been an amazing ride for our family with Blount Farms barrows!
Bottomline, if your breeding for white ones or blues this time, he should probably be “On The List”!
We are now booking semen on OTL for the Spring of 2025. Semen will be available beginning February 3rd.