Allie’s barrow was purchased from us at THE FIVE PIG SALE at the beginning of November and brought home on the ration below. All of the rations listed are on a per feeding basis. He was weighed for the first time on Nov. 15th.

November 15, 2017:
Weighed 61 pounds
1 pound- Lindner 611
1/4 pound- oat groats

In a couple of weeks they had him worked up to the following amounts:

November 23, 2017
1 1/2 pounds- Lindner 611
1/4 pound – oat groats
(With instructions to increase 611 as he would consume more each feeding.)

November 27, 2017:

On November 27th his feed was increased by 1/4 of a pound:
Weighed 72 pounds
1 3/4 pounds- Lindner 611
1/4 pound- oat groats

December 24, 2017:

December 24, 2017:
Weighed 107 pounds
1 1/2 pounds – Lindner 611
1/4 pound- oat groats
He had gotten a little sick and wasn’t cleaning up all of his feed, so they backed him down some on 611 to where he was eating all of the feed at one time with instructions to increase 611 back up as he would eat more.

January 8, 2017:

January 8th:
Weighed 135 pounds
2 1/2 pounds – Lindner 611
1/2 pound- Lindner 698 Slop
4 ounces – Lindner Full Figure fat
At this point he needed to start to build more center and flesh so the oat groats were exchanged with 698, and the full figure was added to begin this process.

January 14, 2017:

January 14, 2017
Weighed 150 pounds
3/4 pound- Lindner 613
3/4 pound – Lindner 698
4 ounces – Lindner Full Figure fat
4 ounces – Wheat germ oil
He was starting to get a little ahead of the game on weight, so he was put on a holding ration at this point. As you can see the wheat germ oil was added as an additional fat source here to increase fat content. We feel when needing additional fat content, mixing a powdered fat like Full Figure and an oil based fat source, like wheat germ oil, helps keep palatability and consumption higher versus using all of one or the other at higher levels.

January 29, 2017:
2 pounds – Lindner 611
3/4 pound- Lindner 698 Slop
4 ounces – Lindner Full Figure fat
2 ounces – Wheat germ oil
Josh saw Allie’s barrow in person at this time, so we don’t have a video but he had been held long enough at this point and was ready to go back to a full ration. The term “Slopped” means to mix the feed ahead of time with water and let it soak. This helps to make them softer and bigger bodied.

February 20, 2017:

February 20, 2017:
Weighed 210
2 pounds-Lindner 613
1/2 pound- Lindner 611
1 pound- Lindner 698 Slop
4 ounces- Lindner Full Figure
2 ounces-Wheat germ oil
2 ounces (1 scoop) – Lindner Vitamin P

March 5, 2017

March 5th – until the show:
2 pounds- Lindner 613
1/2 pound- Lindner 611
1 pound- Lindner 698 Slop
4 ounces- Lindner Full Figure
2 ounces- Wheat germ oil
3 ounces (1 1/2 scoops) – Lindner Vitamin P

March 23, 2017

Congratulations to Allie and her family and to our entire crew on this win!! It takes a team to make something like this happen and we are so fortunate to have each and everyone in this picture (and a few that weren’t there) on our team!!!

Thank you for your faith in our program and for doing ALL the small things right!